Expedition levels now let you see how your turn count stacks up against other players! Also, new sort options for the expedition level list. Continue reading for more details on both!

Level statistics

Stats button

Available from the new level detail menu as well as on the victory screen, this subtle button takes you to statistics page for the level you are playing. See for example here.

Currently, the stats page gives you a rough idea:

  • how much other players have struggled to complete the level
  • in how many turns other players were able to complete the level

More is likely to come to this page in the future! More direct integration of these statistics into the game would also be nice, but that would take a lot more effort, so maybe later.

Some important things to note:

  • The statistics are only updated once per week together with the game update. This also means that statistics for newly added levels will only become available after a week has passed since their release.
  • Currently, the statistics are based on play data collected since the start of 2024.
  • If you see some outliers in the chart that seem just too good to be true, they probably are. The play data collection is not immune to cheating or bugs.

Expedition sort modes

Sort modes

Another often requested feature is finally here, you can now sort the expedition level list by:

  • Name: Alphabetical order
  • Turns: Your personal best result (the turn count for each level is shown in the list)
  • Modes: Groups maps with similar special modes together and puts maps with the “new” label at the top